Jonah King

Jonah King is an interdisciplinarity artist exploring human/nonhuman relations and speculative futures. Their multifaceted world-building projects examine how ecological intimacies influence individual and social identity.




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Jonah King

Notes On Intimacy -  Biodesign Challenge

Panel Discussion


"BDC x NEW INC: Notes On Intimacy" panel discussion at the 2024 Biodesign Challenge Summit, alongside Tao Leigh Goffe, Michelle Shofet, and Elaine Young, which took place at Parsons School of Design - The New School and The Museum of Modern Art.

Our conversation centered around the radical potential of intimacy as a form of collectivity that extends beyond human connections to include non-human beings. We explored how this kind of intimacy can challenge and destabilize oppressive social beliefs, opening new pathways for understanding relationships and ecological interdependence.

A significant part of our discussion was dedicated to the role of language in shaping cultural paradigms. We examined how different languages offer unique ways to articulate the human experience and provide diverse answers to fundamental questions about life.

Parsons School of Design, New School
New York⁠, Thursday, June 13th

Honey Fungus: Presentation at Embodied Ecologies

Public Presentation at New Museum, New York


Presented in partnership with Serpentine’s Synthetic Ecologies Lab, this program features members of NEW INC’s Creative Science Track who will present the ways their practices interact with notions of ecology, nature, and embodiment.

While Western culture distinguishes the natural world as external to humans, the speakers included in this program will tell stories that expand our perception of ecology, suggesting that the natural world consists of an entangled series of interactions and relationships that are inclusive of humans. The presenters will reveal the hidden ways we participate in our ecologies while also making visible how our environments change us, our bodies, and our perceptions of our surroundings.

Event Details

Tomorrow’s Nature

Lecture at VCUarts Qatar


Can we truly draw lines between the human world and the natural world? Can one exist without the other?

"When you look closely, the distinction between a person and their surrounding ecology is very diffuse,"  explains artist and filmmaker Jonah King. It is in the exploration of these blurred boundaries where this multi- media artist finds his artistic inspiration, direction and connection with his audience.

"I am interested in bodies, identity, and landscape [...]. Focusing on this destabilizes cultural beliefs that separate us, delineate identity groups, and construct an artificial separation from nature."

Through his work and collaborations, King invites his audience to join in this exploration "collectively" and in doing so, to deconstruct the inner mechanisms of human nature and to re-assemble a new perspective on the human experience and human consciousness.

Event Listing

Witches Butter

Digital Human Workshop at Visual Carlow Museum


How can digital humans help us tell our stories?

For the first event in the Speech Sounds programme, artist Jonah King hosts a digital avatar workshop on Thursday 9 September at 7pm. In this workshop, Jonah will introduce how ultra-realistic CGI puppets are made and animated, and how they are used in art, gaming and film.

In the second half, the group will be invited to share fictional and non-fictional stories in response to the “Where does your body begin and end”. These stories will anonymously inspire metahuman characters in Jonah’s upcoming film ‘Honey Fungus’.

Event Listing